Friday, January 17, 2025

January 17th, 2025

   Two words came into play when I was chalking down today’s quote.

Regret and adversity
(I just erased five paragraphs full of mumbo/jumbo that didn’t belong in words on a Friday morning.)
Let’s avoid traffic jams, long lines at Costco and arguing with assclowns these next few days.
I found a really good recipe for eggplant parm, but I have the Shepkids this weekend.
Pancakes, pizza, Dinonuggies, hotdogs and grilled cheese will be the big requests over this cold wintery long weekend.
I wanted to get Betty washed up, but every Dildo on the west side and his brother-in-law was already in line at the car wash.
Maybe today before it gets cold again.
Be true to your school and let your colors fly. Throw some meat in the crockpot, some favorite music on the record machine and tell a shit ton of people that you love them.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16th, 2025

 The hurricane that took a path of destruction from Florida up to the Appalachian coast last September. The wildfires that are currently destroying the Los Angeles area.

Unpopular presidential administrations, Islamic terrorism, violent crime, stock market crashes….
These all come and go, but life must still move along. We must stomp through the darkness to get to the light.
Personal things that hit closer to home like a terminally ill child or the death of a parent.
These are all extreme examples of life’s worst moments. They will continue to come in waves. There will be more hurricanes and wildfires in 2025. Death is always lurking at the doorstep.
I came home to my Oldman’s house for a weekend when he had visitation back in 1983. He asked me what I wanted to do while I was home.
I replied, “I wanna have fun, fun, fun dad!”
His reaction has stayed with me for the rest of my life.
He looked at me with that pissed off, you gotta be shitting me look that he perfected with fatherhood and said,
“Life doesn’t allow you to have fun when you want it. Life gives you a glimpse at fun, that is when you can have fun. Most of the time you are going to get kicked in the throat. You better have your head out of your ass having fun son because a foot is always aimed at your head…”
That speech in the family room at 220 South Lombard has resonated with me to this day.
Wow…… I got all of this from reading over some Hemingway last night and chalking down what I concluded.
What the hell is that Greek or Latin phrase in the Grabber section this morning?
Deus ex machina
Have you ever read a book or watched a movie when something unexpectedly enters at the end of the story?
A person or an event that drastically changes everything all together.
The plot has suddenly changed. The problem is instantly solved. Love has returned, gramma is healed, the lost dog has come back home, the backup quarterback scores, the band gets back together.
Life brings us our own deus ex machina. Don’t expect to find it, you won’t find it…
…it finds you.
It could be worse… you could have woken up thinking today is Friday like I did.
Chicagoland is getting a tiny heatwave before the next arctic blast. Expect long lines at the car wash.
Keep on keepin’ on. The playwright writing your story gave you the perfect part to play.
Sometimes we have a comedy.
Somedays a tragedy...
Be passionate, cry when needed and laugh on cue.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

January 15th, 2025

 I caught myself sitting alone watching Lightning McQueen on television last night.

About a week before George was born, Johnny Harrigan stopped me on the trading floor and warned me.
“Jumbo… for the next fifteen years, you are going to watch more movies with talking animals, talking buildings, talking trees, talking cars and talking stars.”
Johnny was right and almost twenty years later, I’m still watching “Cars” whenever it’s on television.
Out of all those silly movies I watched when George showed up and then Fritz and finally Hazel…
…the story about a cocky race car ending up in Radiator Springs is my favorite.
George came out of his bedroom to check on me. He sat down on the couch when he noticed what I was watching on television.
We both sat there watching and repeating every funny line in the movie.
And every time at the end when Lightning helps The King finish the race, I start crying.
Since George had a little boy voice, he would say, “Dad is crying again.”
He said it again last night in a big boy voice.
The movie “Cars” belongs next to “The Godfather.” If it is on television, I’ll stop and watch it.
I am still in a reminiscing mood this morning. Yesterday I was listening to the radio and caught a two’fer from REM. The DJ said it has been forty years since “Fables” was released. Then he played “Driver 8.”
Tuesday was a good day. Lightning McQueen and Michael Stipe brought me comfort on a cold night.
Go be astonished

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 14th, 2025

 The Full Moon is blazing across the morning sky. It was the perfect nightlight when I woke up to use the bathroom at one o’clock.

Hazel gave me a crystal for Christmas and she reminded me yesterday to put it out to get recharged.
I’m not sure how she stopped believing in Santa Claus and started believing in this crystal deal, but I’ll go along with it.
Today is National Hot Pastrami Day. A day when I miss working in the loop. The best place for this heart stopper is Manny’s Deli. We would get them delivered to the Board of Trade often. The pits would smell like a Jewish deli.
I also liked walking over to the old Berghoff when they had the carving station in the Stand Up Bar. That is all gone now, but you can get a arugula salad with a tuna and bean sprout wrap.
Bundle up… these next few weeks are going to be cold. Spring will be here before you know it.
I put a smile on the sun today.
Get some full moon and bright sun in your eyes today..
… and ask the DJ to play a couple from your favorite band.
...It is two for Tuesday after all

January 13th, 2025

 The changing of Presidential administrations often brings volatility to the market. We have seen that on our trading floor in the recent weeks.

I was busy Sunday night at seven o’clock when the markets opened for the overnight session. However, it was the three thousand lot that I was working in my dreams this morning that has brought me to this chalkboard.
The trading floor was open for about two and a half months in 2020. Finally closing because of Covid on March 13th, 2020. Those seventy days or so into this truculent new decade enabled me to say that I worked on the trading floor for five decades.
The eighties, the nineties, the zeroes, the teens and the twenties.
I guess I’m pretty lucky to still work on a makeshift floor to this day.
I ended up getting filled on my nightmarish three thousand lot this morning. I think I had an error doing so and woke up quickly. I abruptly went from prices on a quote board to my alarm clock showing 2:47am.
Fortunately errors in a dream only cost about forty-five minutes of sleep and not thousands of dollars.
I miss the trading cards with the blue side for buy and the red side for sell. I miss the raised octagonal shaped trading pits placed inside an open outcry amphitheater. I miss filling orders by word of mouth and not by hitting “enter.”
The computer screen has taken that all away. Standing on a top step and filling three thousand lots only happens in dreams nowadays.
Well, I better stop chalking and go get my trading jacket.
And ironically, my computer down the hall just made a sound that a big trade just occurred.
Buy low in Chicago and sell high in New York. Get long in London and short in Singapore….
Full moon tonight, it is the Wolf moon, so howl loud.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

January 12th, 2025

 The last thing I bought at the old Service Merchandise was a kitchen island/Microwave oven stand.

It is a solid piece that came with an ugly hunter green marble top and rolled around on caster wheels.
I was living in Oak Park when I bought it and my girlfriend at the time helped me put it together. It was a three hundred dollar table that I bought for one hundred and six bucks.
Through the years it has labored as a microwave cart, a bar, a side serving table and when my marriage went south, I took it over to the rugby clubhouse kitchen. I was the team cook for a couple years and I needed the extra counter space.
I brought it home to Riverside and it’s been working incredibly as a kitchen island. I have the pots and pans that I use frequently on the shelves and my Boos cutting board lies on the top.
A couple of years ago a corner of the marble cracked off and the rubber on the wheels started disintegrating. It was starting to bother me.
Service Merchandise closed over twenty-three years ago and this thing was starting to show its age.
My cutting board fits just right on the top of the island without the ugly cracked marble. I had Big George hall the stone down to the garbage.
If this was me and my Oldman asked me to throw it away, I would have taken it straight to my room. It was perfect for bouncing quarters off of. Luckily my son isn’t interested in drinking games.
I made some brackets and glued nonskid rubber on the top frame of my island. The cutting board sits nicely inside the makeshift corners.

Yesterday I went over to Menards and bought new caster wheels. I got home and with my electric screwdriver replaced the wheels and now my kitchen island glides quietly across the floor.
The Service Merchandise is now a grocery store and the old Berwyn Car Spindle sculpture that stood in that parking lot is long gone. You know the one… it was featured in a “Wayne’s World” movie.
That was the main feature of my Saturday, putting new wheels on my kitchen island. A sense of accomplishment that was rewarded with a growler from BuckleDown Brewery.
Look at that bottom left hand corner. Take notice that the sunrise is slowly creeping closer to seven o’clock. The sunset is pushing a little quicker than its counterpart toward five o’clock.
Time to answer the call of the wild.
“Dad? Dad? I can’t sleep, will you rub my back” from Hazel.
Which means, soon I’ll be making pancakes for her and her two big brothers. The perfect Sunday morning…
But before I put this piece of chalk down.
I just want to tell you Chalkheads to square your shoulders, bow your neck, place your feet shoulder width and plow through the middle of January with gusto and love.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 11th, 2025

 It is easy for Sir Anthony Hopkins to say today’s quote. If you mouth off about him, he will cut your liver out and serve it with fava beans and a nice chianti.

I never gave two shits if people talk behind my back. It usually means that I own the original gossiper and being a mealy mouth gives that person a fake sense of security.
What is there really to talk about anyway? My life is an open book and I’m telling the story everyday on my kitchen chalkboard.
My Oldman had a term for gossiping pricks.
“This guy talks like a man with a paper asshole…”
It took me years to finally figure out that this meant the guy was a mealy mouth.
We have all come across mealy mouths in our lives. I’m sure that I am guilty of being a mealy mouth at one point.
Let’s take Sir Anthony Hopkins’ advice and ignore mealy mouths. It is none of our business.
Today is National Milk Day. I’m a whole milk guy myself, which is obvious by the size of my shadow. I had a glass of almond milk when I was married. I’m not married anymore…
…and how the hell do you milk an almond? Is there a nipple on one end of the nut?
Nuts and nipples… probably a good time to stop chalking and get the day started.
I’m really happy about this Notre Dame and Ohio State deal that is in the works for next week. I’ve rooted for both of these teams off and on throughout my life.
I met Woody Hayes when I was a kid and I talk to Mary Christ everyday. Mary never punched anyone, so I will probably root for the Fighting Irish.
Let’s have an astonishing weekend full of nuts and nipples, crock pots and warm blankets.

January 10th, 2025

 Brain farts and snowflakes… I just want to get into the weekend and relax.

Great victory for the Irish and I never would have guessed that Obama and Trump were pals.
I did noticed dusk was touching the western horizon closer to five o’clock last night.
Open the door to astonishment today

Thursday, January 9, 2025

January 9th, 2025

 First New Orleans and now the devastation in Los Angeles.

2025 has opened quickly with pain and suffering.
George turned to me at dinner time and said that this whole thing reminded him of Billy Joel.
I replied, “what are you some sort of smart ass or something?”
He explained to me how the lyrics in “We didn’t start the Fire,” are all about tragedy in history. George continued to explain how tragedy is unfortunately another consistent story through time.
It just happens that the current situation is a tragic fire in California.
The conversation forced me to listen to the Billy Joel song that came out at the end of the eighties.
I listened to the song and read the lyrics simultaneously. It covers interesting topics from the 1950’s into the ‘80’s. That thirty year span seems innocent compared to the events that have scarred history since the 1990’s.
I apologized to George for misunderstanding him at first and complimented him on how smart he is with starting a deep conversation.
I told him that I took his Auntie Amy to see Billy Joel when that song came out. We went to the Rosemont Horizon in early 1990 and he rocked the place.
“You are really old dad!”
And again I had to reply, “What are you some sort of smart ass or something?”
More prayers and thoughts are sent out to the victims of another historic event.
I always pray to heaven to keep this sort of shit away from my doorstep. Tragedy seems to find its way, but it is when tragedy occurs that we lean on the straight F’s we receive in life….
Go out and tackle Thursday

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

January 8th, 2025

 Life only has one direction and though the journey seems to have twists and turns… it’s always, it’s only going forward.

The direction becomes clearer with every passing minute. Try not to take advantage of every passing minute. Every passing minute is precious and can never be wasted.
That is what today’s quote is telling me.
Trust in yourself that you are going in the right direction and make sure those around you never lose trust in you along the way.
The Oldman always said that the love of a woman and the trust of a child are man’s two biggest gifts.
The hardest things to keep and the easiest things to lose.
And in saying that, I will end today’s lesson with an oxymoron.
Bundle up and point yourself in the right direction

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

January 7th, 2025

 I just spent fifteen minutes chalking four paragraphs on division in the world. Specifically, the fifty/fifty split of hatred in America.

I took four seconds erasing it.
Why give it attention on the Chalkboard?
I often tell the Shepkids that there was hatred before we showed up and there will be hatred after we are gone.
I also tell them not to use labels for friendship.
This is my gay friend, Randy.
This is my Mexican friend, Javier.
This is my Black friend, Tyrone.
This is my lesbian friend, Rita.
This is my liberal friend, Stargazer.
This is my conservative friend, Stevenson.
I don’t care if your black friend is gay but votes Republican!
As long as they use their turn signals and chew with their mouths closed, I’m happy you get along with them.
I do have one exception when it comes to labeling a friendship.
Sport team affiliation….
I have Packer friends that I love dearly.
I have Redwing fans that I think the world of.
I have Cleveland Indian buddies that can count on me anytime.
I even have a pal that likes the Knicks and cringes when I show up in my Reggie Miller jersey.
Life gets shorter with every get up. I’ve been able to dwindle my hatred down as I’ve gotten older. I don’t even hate meatloaf as much as I did when I was a kid.
Turn on the radio, it is Two for Tuesday. Go get tacos with Juan. He knows where the best taco stands are in Chicago.
White Sox first loss is in 79 days…
… I can’t believe I’m counting the days already?

Monday, January 6, 2025

January 6th, 2025

 Twelfth Night is over and today is Epiphany. Pack it up, Christmas is officially over.

Today’s quote comes from the sixteenth President of the United States.
Maybe stop bitching and moaning when you don’t like something.
People like to complain when the service sucks, but rarely compliment it when it stands out.
Compliments go a long way and make people feel mo betta…
Don’t forget to chalk your front door today…
I left an example in the grabber section. Google it if you don’t know what it means.
Gotta get going. First full week of the new year and I want to start strong.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

January 5th, 2025

 I was immediately earwormed with the Sade song, “Never as Good as the First Time” when I was chalking today’s quote.

Many first times crossed my mind when I sat down to chalk this morning.
When I did something for the first time as a little boy, I would say that I invented it and it drove my Oldman bonkers.
I invented “Now and Later" candy, the Nerf Football, color television, rest stops on the highway, Kick the Can, sausage and onions on pizza.
I even invented tacos.
And my aggravated Oldman would tell me they had “Now and Later” when he was a kid. A company called Parker Brothers came up with spongy pigskins. Color television was here before 1966.
At one point my dad made me explain how I came up with concepts for my inventions. I think this was how I learned how to bullshit my way at an early age.
Eventually I grew out of using the childish term for experiencing something for the first time.
It was about the time when I went into the just completed Sears Tower in 1974. My parents pointed out where our neighborhood was. They showed me where Indiana and Iowa were and my dad pointed out the different railroad lines.
It was an amazing experience, but I was still a John Hancock guy. The Sears Tower might have been taller, but “The Hancock” was my first ever skyscraper and it will always be my favorite.
The first day that I was a runner on the trading floor of the Chicago Board of Trade might be the biggest life changer. The first opening bell and the rush of buying and selling had me hooked on day one.
I met some of my dearest friends at 141 West Jackson. I even met my ex-wife on the trading floor. She floated past the Ten Year pit like an angel and I knew that I had to meet that girl.
At least I ended up with the Shepkids and JoJo, my Mother-in-Law.
And the Shepkids!
The first time each one of them looked at me with that squishy face in the delivery room. Those three days are the most magical “first times” that I’ve experienced.
Earlier this week when the Islamic terrorist attacked the French Quarter…
…I had a flashback to the first time I walked down Bourbon Street. That was when NOLA became my second home.
The Shepkids and the divorce have kind of sidelined first times at the current moment.
First times in the 2020’s are limited to new restaurants and new friends. It might pale in comparison to the first time in London, the first fast market in the bond room or the first time I had a soft-shell crab po-boy.
Meeting new friends is probably the best gift life brings. You didn’t know at that first hello that this person will be in your life for many years to come.
People come and go, but a dear friend is always there. Good friends always bring back that incredible feeling that you have when you experience “the first time.”
How many "First Times" have we made for other people?
What are some of your happiest “First Times?”

Enjoy the first Sunday of the New Year. Go do something astonishingly for the first time!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

January 4th, 2025

       I was eight years old when President Nixon resigned from office. “Tricky Dick” was my first lesson that all men have a flaw.

Twenty years earlier in his career, Nixon got his tit in a ringer during the 1952 Presidential election when he was the Vice Presidential candidate.
He decided to give a speech that would defend his record to the nation. This was the first time in political history when the medium of television was used in a presidential campaign.
The event was eventually called “The Checkers Speech.” Named after the dog that was given to the Nixon children by a political contributor.
Today’s Morning Chalkboard may someday be called the “Diamond Chalkboard” by the Shepkids.
Diamond is Hazel’s kitty cat and just before Thanksgiving, Hazel asked if she could bring Diamond to Riverside. I explained to her that the rules of my building clearly state, “No Pets.”
But like Richard Nixon, I caved in and said yes. The things parents do for their children.
Did I explain that I hate freaking cats?
The only cats that I like are Brutus and Titus, the lions that I often hear roaring in the distance from the zoo.
I told Hazel that it can only be a Thanksgiving visit because I didn’t like breaking rules.
Diamond showed up that first weekend. Hazel was at ease and it was the first time in many months that her anxiety was gone. Diamond also brought out a tender side of George. Something Fritz and Hazel have never seen in their big brother.
They are accustomed to their truculent sibling on the autistic spectrum, not this gentle giant who sprawls on the ground to pet this hairball visitor.
For me, this freaking cat that I first called Demon has become Diamond. She has been greeting me when I wake up by rubbing her head against my cankles. In return, I grab a little plate and pour a couple ounces of milk for Diamond.
She slurps it up and leaves little splatters from her whiskers on the floor around the plate. This has deemed me a “Good Cat Dad.” Something I have never aspired to be.
As the holidays approached, I told Hazel that we can sneak Diamond over until the weekend after the New Year and then visits become kids only again.
It has been nice to see a daughter without anxiety and a stoic son show tenderness. I will even miss pouring the early morning plate of milk for Diamond.
Yesterday when we arrived in Riverside, the landlord saw us bring Diamond into the building. She greeted me at the stairs and reminded me of the rules.
I hate getting reprimanded for stupid shit. Especially at fifty-eight years old. I’ve been getting yelled at since the Nixon administration and like Nixon, I consistently get my tit in a ringer.
The landlord did do me a favor and made it easier to end the Diamond visits. It’s tough for a dad to say no, especially when it was a positive experience for his kids.
But rules are rules and we must abide by them.
That is the lesson that I was able to show the Shepkids after the dust settled last night.
I thought today’s quote was perfect for the lesson learned. It comes from “Great Expectations” and my favorite character in the book, Joe Gargery.
It was Joe’s way of saying that life has many changes. We must often say goodbye to people or to experiences we come across. It is not easy, but if we can learn a lesson and grow from it, we will be stronger for the next opportunity life brings.
Diamond the Cat is visiting her Cat Dad for the last time this weekend. Diamond showed me a different side that my children possess and that was a pleasure.
But it is time to part ways.
It is a cold weekend in Chicagoland. Cold, not bitterly cold. Get out and breath the crispness of winter and enjoy the longer days ahead. Try and get out after sunset and look at the crescent moon and Venus set sail together towards the western horizon.
The sun has a Saturday smile and the day is perfect for astonishing events.

Friday, January 3, 2025

January 3rd, 2025

 I didn’t have to be at the OakBrook Terrace Board of Trade until 8:30 yesterday morning.

Four times a year we have what we call a hard opening. No overnight markets trade on New Years, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It’s like it was in the olden days before computers and the internet opened the world up.
There was a time when the bond room opened trading at 7:20 in the morning and the grain room opened up 9:30.
Instead of waking up at 3:30 yesterday morning, I woke up at 4:45. It was lovely sleeping in.
I didn’t have to rush. I was able to make Georgie Boy a good breakfast and I didn’t need a flashlight when I walked over to Betty the Green Blazer.
I noticed a different world driving to work at 7:45am than I do when I leave at 4:50. The level of asshole is much higher later in the morning. Everyone is in a hurry to get to their shitty lives.
Don’t get me wrong… I flirt with the speed limit signs, but I’m not racing along changing lanes like Mario Andretti on the third turn in Indianapolis.
I enjoyed the luxury of the hard open and not worrying if a customer will come out of nowhere and want to sell a thousand put spreads in the middle of the night. I didn’t enjoy the stress it took to get out to the trading floor on Thursday.
The world is so much kinder and calmer before the sun reaches the shores of Lake Michigan.
At five in the morning, I can enjoy a peaceful trip.
The routine of life is just about to kick back into gear. The holiday season is over and the doldrums of winter are taking hold.
This is when we must reach deep and search for the wonder around us. The bitter cold brings beauty. There is also a lesson in humility with the frigid temperatures.
Standing at a urinal with cold hands reminds me to be humbler in life.
A strong reminder of the fragility of manhood.
My dad always washed his hands with warm water before and after he took a piss in winter. Now I know why….
The first Friday in 2025. Make mine a lasagna day. I put a goofy smile on the sun today. Maybe because it will be bright and beautiful, but my hands will still be cold.
My Gramma always said, “cold hands, warm heart.”
Go be astonished

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 2nd, 2025

One of the first places I try to go to when I get into New Orleans is Galatoire's.

I start with an order of the Oysters Rockefeller and then I dive into a bowl of their turtle soup. My main entre is usually the bouillabaisse, but sometimes I get the redfish. They have a fantastic shrimp creole as well.
Galatoire's is located on Bourbon Street between Iberville and Bienville. On the corner of Bourbon and Bienville is the Old Absinthe House. That is where I tell people to meet me if they fly in on a separate flight. I have a Sazerac in my hand when you see me at Absinthe.
Early on New Year's Day a terrorist attack happened along the way to Galatoire's and Absinthe. The crashing of a symbol playing a Dixieland song was replaced by the slamming of bodies in The French Quarter. Screaming interrupted the singing and a panic stampede replaced the intoxicated dancing.
Let the good times roll was tarnished by the hatred of terrorism.
But this is New Orleans...
Carmen couldn't destroy NOLA and neither could Katrina.
Next week, New Orleans will celebrate the two hundred and tenth anniversary of The Battle of New Orleans. On January 8th, 1815, Andrew Jackson defeated the British. "Old Hickory" was outnumbered two to one, but his forces held on for victory and The Battle of 1812 ended. Which pretty much was the end of years of conflict with England.
New Orleans will rise again from tragedy and Second Line through the grief.
I talked about 2025 bringing a shitshow at one point in the coming months. I didn't think it would happen three hours into the new year.
Mardi Gras season doesn't officially start until The Feast of the Epiphany. That is the day when the colors of Christmas are replaced with the colors of Mardi Gras.
Purple represents justice.
Green represents faith.
Gold represents power.
I am putting my Mardi Gras flag up tomorrow before the manifestation of the baby Jesus this weekend. I will honor the city, the people and the spirit of New Orleans as I fly my flag along Lincoln Avenue.
Laissez le bon temp rouler....
....and the good times will roll again

January 1st, 2025

 We get to wipe the slate clean this morning.

By changing just one number from a four to a five, we get to start fresh.
I wish it was that easy…
I could hear the fireworks off in the distance at midnight only because my phone went crazy with text messages and woke me up.
I decided not to look at my phone and be surprised when I wake up. It made me feel happy that seventeen people thought about texting me at the start of 2025.
One of them texted me nine times.
“Can you pick us up early tomorrow?”
Five minutes after the train whistle on my cellphone passed the bend, Georgie Boy jumped on my bed. He wished me a Happy New Year and gave me a sloppy kiss on my forehead.
After he gave me a hug and the first “I Love You” for 2025, I asked my phone to play the first song of the New Year.
I didn’t know what the first song was going to be. I figured that I’d let the algo decide. It could have been Gershwin it could have been Swift. I let Siri with the sexy British female voice pick the song.
Talking Heads, “Naïve Melody” was the first song of the New Year.
And there it was. Home is where I want to be, pick me up and turn me round.
This song reminds me of the movie “Wall Street. It reminds me of Lin Brehmer.
It reminds me that we have a short time together and every moment counts. It reminds me that we wake up innocent every morning. It reminds me that it is hard to search for love, but battles are easy to come by. It reminds me that all we need at the end of the day is security.
2025 started out with over a dozen people reaching out with love. It started with my daughter nagging me with love. It started with an “I Love You” from my firstborn.
I could be standing near the Eiffel Tower with a glass of champagne and it wouldn’t come close to how I started my New Year.
Because home is where I want to be and family and friends are all the security that I need…
Run to love and quickly flee from battle.
Keep an eye out for the sun and moon everyday this year and talk to yourself frequently.
And …..
…..Gather good moments in 2025