The cold snap has dragged us all down... our skin itches our tempers are short!
I woke up on a balcony on a February morning in the French Quarter with a Mardi Gras bead pillow. The bar across the street opened the doors at 7:00am and “Honky Tonk Woman” started blaring loudly!
On that day I vowed I’d never allow a February winter chill bring me down. For I know a warm memory, albeit clouded by sazarac and hurricane. A happy place that strengthens my heart on a cold Chicago morning.
It’s peppermint patty day! Because of my father it is my favorite candy bar. No trip to the White Hen exists without one in my hand!
My oldman would go into WhiteHen and grab the Saturday papers and a coffee... when he’d walk out and get
In the car usually a peppermint patty would land on my lap.
It’s a new week. We are halfway thru February this week... Blackhawks are playing well! The days are getting longer...
Big week ahead! Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday! Valentine’s Day and National Manscape day on Thursday! Have a great week!